
Redovni profesor
Prof. dr Vladimir Mako

Vladimir Mako, redovni profesor Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, predaje u oblasti Istorija, teorija i estetika arhitekture i umetnosti, i zaštiti graditeljskog nasleđa. Bio je Dekan Arhitektonskog fakulteta od 2006. do 2012 godine. Nekoliko godina je predavao na Fakultetu za dizajn Viktorija univerziteta u Velingtonu, Novi Zeland, kao i na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore. Trenutno na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica po pozivu predaje predmete Istorija Umetnosti i Dizajn enterijera.Po pozivu je održao predavanja na više univerziteta u svetu i u regionu, između ostalog i na: Universita’ Sapienza di Roma, Facolta’ di Architettura, Dipartimento DIAP; Korean National University of Arts, Seoul, South Korea, Department of Architecture; Varna Free University, Bulgaria; ADSL week (Antwerp Design Seminars & Lectures), Antwerp, Belgium; National University of Singapore, Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, Department of Architecture; University of Auckland, School of Architecture, New Zealand.

Objavio je preko pedeset radova u časopisima i kongresnim zbornicima,veći broj poglavlja u knjigama i nekoliko monografija. Bio je mentor na izradi dvadeset Doktorskih disertacija na Arhitektonskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu.

Najznačajniji radovi:

-Mako Vladimir, 2021, Characters of Ancient Architectural Orders and their Mannerist Interpretation in Dietterlin’s Book from 1598,Athens Journal of Architecture - Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2021 – Pages 227-256

-Mako Vladimir, 2020,The Aesthetic Ideas in Furttenbach’s Treatise Architectura Civilis (1628).Athens Journal of Architecture - Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2020 – Pages 129 - 148

-Mako Vladimir, 2019, Aesthetics of the City, In book: Aesthetics of the City: a multydisciplinary approach (pp.202-209)Publisher: SANART 2019

-Mako, Vladimir (Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2019).An Islamic numerical interpretation of Hagia Sophia at Constantinople 

-Sadiki, Arber; Mako, Vladimir (Univerzitet u Nišu, 2019).Sociological dimension of urban plans: general urban plan of Priština from 1953, arch. Dragutin Partonić 

-Mako, Vladimir (Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2017).Aesthetics and perception of mobile reality: architectural prospective 

-Parežanin, Mako(Универзитет у Београду, Архитектонски факултет, 2016).Metaphorical interpretation of the concept of critical regionalism in the works of architect Ranko Radović / Метафоричка интерпретација идеје критичког регионализма у делу архитекте Ранка Радовића 

-Mako, Vladimir (Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet, Beograd i Centar za etiku, pravo i primenjenu filozofiju, Beograd, 2015).Ethics of dwelling: Early Christian principles of the city life and urban transformation / Etika stanovanja - rani hrišcanski principi gradskog života i urbane transformacije 

-Mako, Vladimir (Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, 2015.Ethics of Dwelling : Early Christian Principles of the City Life and Urban Transformation 

-Mako, Vladimir,Aesthetics in arhitecture: contemporary research issues.  (Belgrade : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2012)

-Mihajlov, Mako (Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade : Board of Ranko Radović Award, Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia, 2012)

Instrumental rationality and contemporary reality: the needs for spatial standards in architecture 

-Mako Vladimir,Jedno islamsko numeričko tumačenje Svete Sofije u Carigradu.SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, vol. 11, br. 2, str. 247-262, 2019

-Mako Vladimir, Estetika i shvatanje mobilne realnosti - arhitektonska perspektiva.SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, vol. 9, br. 2, str. 113-120, 2017 

-Mako Vladimir, Etika stanovanja - rani hrišcanski principi gradskog života i urbane transformacije.SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, vol. 7, br. 2, str. 123-134, 2015

-Mako Vladimir, Estetika u arhitekturi - savremena istraživačka pitanja.SAJ - Serbian Architectural Journal, vol. 4, br. 2, str. 134-141, 2012.

- National and Universal Aspects in the Aesthetic Judgment of Architecture: few historical examples, Design Discourse Japan, Volume 2, 2007, Japanese translation pp. 15-20; English text pp. 51-54. First published online: Design Discourse, Vol.II, No.1, September 2006.

Stylos and Stilus and the Japanese Understanding of Architectural Change, Design Discourse Japan, Volume 1, 2006, Japanese translation pp. 17-24; English text pp. 63-57. First published online: Design Discourse, Vol. I, No. 1, September 2004.

- Neki aspekti ranohrišćanske simbolike i medaljon iz Mersine (Aspects of the Early Christian Symbolism and the Medallion from Mersine), Saopštenja XXX-XXXI, 1998-1999, Beograd 2000, pp.193-20.

- Characteristics of Figure Proportioning of the Icon from Poganovo, Problemi na iskustvoto 3, Sofija 1998, 16-19.

- Vreme u Platonovom poimanju harmonija i proporcija (Time in Plato’s Comprehension of Harmony and Proportion), Zbornik radova, Poslediplomske studije AOP 1997/98, Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd 1998, 33-38.

- Tri crteža iz Bogorodičine crkve u Voljavcu (Three Drawings in the Virgin’s Church in Voljavac), Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije 21, Beograd 1997, 102-105.

- Konaci Svetogorskih manastira (The Monastic Guesthouses on the Holy Mountain), Druga kazivanja o Svetoj Gori, Beograd 1997, 177-192.

- Proporcijsko razmeravanje i starina fresaka u crkvi sv. Vasilija na moru manastira Hilandara (The Proportional Distribution and Age of the Frescoes in the Church of St.Basil on the Sea of Chilandar Monastery), Hilandarski zbornik 9, Beograd 1997, 75-97.

- Reljef sa predstavom oruđa Hristovih muka iznad zapadnog portala Bogorodičine crkve u Studenici (The Relief with the Composition of the Tools of Christ’s Torture on the West Portal of the Church of Mother of God in Studenica Monastery), Sveske Društva istoričara umetnosti Srbije 23-26, Beograd 1996, 33-36.

- Kompoziciona uloga nimba u Srpskom srednjovekovnom slikarstvu (Compositional Role of the Nimbus in Serbian Mediaeval Painting), Zograf 24, Beograd 1995, 12-23.

- Postupci komponovanja u scenama Pričešća apostola slikarske radionice Mihaila i Evtihija (Composing Procedures in Scenes of the Community of Apostles from Michael’s and Eutychio’s Painting Atelier), Zograf 23, Beograd 1993/94, 18-28.

- Značenje predstava arhitektonskih oblika u sceni Euharistije u Dečanima (The Meaning of the Representation of the Architectonic Forms in the Scene of Eucharist at Dečani Monastery), Zograf 22, Beograd 1992, 43-45.

- Upotreba perspektivne restitucije u istraživanju sadejstva arhitekture i slikarstva u Baroknim enterijerima (Use of Perspective Restitution in Investigating Interaction of Architecture and Painting in the Baroque Interior), Sveske Društva istoričara umetnosti Srbije 22, Beograd 1991, 19-22.

- Geometrijski oblici nimbova i mandorli u srednjovekovnoj umetnosti Vizantije, Srbije, Rusije i Bugarske (Geometrical Forms of Aureoles and Mandorlas in Medieval art of Byzantium, Serbia, Russia and Bulgaria), Zograf 21, Beograd 1990, 41-59.

- Konstrukcione linije na nekim freskama srednjovekovne Srbije (Construction lines on some frescoes of medieval Serbia), Sveske Društva istoričara umetnosti Srbije 20-21,Beograd,1989/90, 23-28.

dr Vladimir Mako
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