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Drugi popravni rok - septembar 2023

Drugi popravni rok na RPS će biti organizovan u periodu između 01. 09. i 20. 09. 2023. godine. 
Predaja specijalističkih i magistarskih radova

Termin za predaju specijalističkih i magistarskih radova koji će biti branjeni u jun/jul 2023. godine će biti 10, 11, 12, i 15. maja 2023. godine od 12h do 14h u kancelariji Postdiplomskih studija (II sprat).

Rok za slanje saglasnosti mentora na finalnu verziju radova je do 2. maja 2023. godine do 12h.

Raspored ispita

Postavljen je raspored ispita u redovnom i popravnom roku u toku zimskog semestra studijske 2022/23. godine na Renesansnim postdiplomskim studjama.

Raspored ispita na RPS možete naći u dijelu Download/za studente.  
dr Žan Oplotnik
Kontakt: zan.oplotnik@eipf.si
Status: Docent

Zan Oplotnik was born in 1972. He is employed as an assistant professor at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business and as a researcher at the EIPF (Economic institute of the Law School). In recent years has been involved in many research projects, mainly at the field of macroeconomic policy modeling, public sector investments, infrastructure policy (financing infrastructure projects, private-public partnership), econometric modeling, fiscal decentralization, etc. Through listed activities, workshops and conferences, cooperates with many public and private institutions at home and abroad (Ministry of Transport, Motorway Comapany, Slovenian power suplly firms, Housing Fund, etc). As a foreign consulter he cooperated with USAID and OSI (Open Society Institute Budapest) and Central bank of Monte Negro at the project of Montenegro Macroeconomic model. As an assistant professor he lectures on graduate and postgraduate level (Financial markets, International finance, Economic Infrastructure, International economic system, Systems of International Trade). In the past he was visiting researcher/lecturer on a few foreign Universities. He published more than 60 articles in economic journals home and abroad. From year 2005, dr. Oplotnik is also a member of Slovenian government strategic council and financial adviser of DARS supervisory board.

Educational background:

• Ph.D. in Economics, University of Ljubljana, Economic Faculty, 2002
Dissertation Thesis: Adjustment of National Economy to Impacts of International Capital Flows, Advisor: prof. dr. Joze Mencinger, rector University of Ljubljana
• M.Sc in Economics, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics, 1998, GPA: 9.4/10
Masters Thesis: Capital Flows and their Influence on National Economy
• B.Sc. in Economics, University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics, 1996, GPA: 9.2 of 10

Professional position / experiences:

• 1998 – … currently researcher at the Economic Institute of the Law School, Ljubljana,Slovenia
and assist. prof. at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business
• 1999 cooperation with Government Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development
(IMAD):‘Econometric Investment Model’; Strategy of Slovenia 2001,
• 2001 cooperation with CEEPN institute, Slovenia (SIMONETI, Marko, OPLOTNIK, Žan,
JAMNIK, Borut, ‘Investments and their financing in Slovenian enterprises-project on Capital Market Development in Slovenia, Slovenia 2000. Ljubljana)
• 1999 – 2000 cooperation with the Bank of Slovenia, research study: ‘Capital Flows Liberalization
(econometric analysis of foreign capital inflows in Slovenia during 1992-1999’)
• 1999 – … economic adviser at local municipal government of Ljubljana – field: public services
(quarterly publication: Economic trends in Ljubljana municipality) - Ljubljanska gospodarska gibanja. Oplotnik, Žan (editor in chief and responsible editor)
• 2002 – … cooperation with Ministry of the interior (Bureau for local self-government):
‘Amendements to the Financing of Municipalities Act’,
• 2002 – … cooperation with Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia (DARS), with
Ministry of Transport and DDC Consulting & Engineering LTD: a) ‘Econometric analysis of macroeconomic and development consequences of motorway construction in Slovenia’, b) ‘Resolution on National Motorway Construction Program-financing model and economic analysis, c) introducing the concessionary reconstruction and maintenance of the national roads in Slovenia (revision of the project)

• 2001 – … economic adviser at Housing Fund of Republic of Slovenia
• 2003 international cooperation in USAID Intergovernmental
Finance Reform in Serbia as collaborator of PALGO (Public Administration and Local Government Center), Belgrade and OSI Budapest, Local Government Initiative
• 2004… Central bank of Monte Negro and ISSP(Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses,
www.issp.org), project:’Macroeconomic model of Montenegro’
• 2005… Ministry of Transport, Models of financing of transport economic infrastructure in Slovenia (state roads network, railway system, etc).

Academic positions / experiences:

• 1996 – … assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor,
(lecturer ta subjects: financial markets, international finance, international economic system, systems and instruments of international trade, economic infrastructure)
• in 2000 visiting/invited on a few Mexican privat and public Universities: ITESM
(Instituto technologico y estudias superiores de Monterrey, Ciudad de Mexico, UDLA (Universidad de las Americas, Puebla, UAT (Universidad autonomas de Tamaulipas, Tampico), IEST (Instituto de estudies superiores de Tampico, Tampico)
• 2004-2005 visiting at the University of Podgorica, Faculty of Economics, Postgraduate
studies, :’Course of applied econometrics I. and II.’

Other honours / awards, memberships, scholarships / fellowships:

• in 1995 TEMPUS student exchange MBA program at the Vrije
Universitiet Brussel, Belgium, European Union
• in 1997 Award for the best graduate thesis, Bank of Slovenia
• Member of University teachers society (University of Maribor), Member of Slovenian Science Foundation, Member of Slovenian Economic Association
• Member of Slovenian government strategic council, established by prime minister
• Financial advisor of DARS (Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia) supervisory board

Language proficiencies / beside Slovenian language

• English (fluent), Spanish (satisfying), Serbian (fluent), German (basic)

Few examples of outstanding foreign publications, Working Papers and Conferences:

Till 2005 he published more than 60 articles in some leading economic journals and magazines at home and abroad . Among the most outstanding foreign publications we can list:

• OPLOTNIK, Žan. Capital flows adjustment policy in Slovenia: assessment of design and efficiency. Post-communist econ. (Print), 2003, vol. 15, no. 2, str. 209-225., Journal of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, London. [COBISS.SI-ID 21076013]

• OPLOTNIK, Žan. Bank of Slovenia adjustment policy to surges in capital flows. Prague Economic Papers., september. 2003, vol. 12, 3, str. 217-232, tabele, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 21319213]

• OPLOTNIK, Žan., Križanič France. Macroeconomic and development consequences of motorway construction in Slovenia. Est-Ovest review, 2003, anno. 32, no. 3, str.175-195, tabele, graf, prikazi, ISDEE, Instituto di Studi e Documentazione sull’Europa comunitaria e l’Europa orientale, Italy. [COBISS.SI-ID 21217581]

• OPLOTNIK, Žan, ‚Financing Local Government in Theory and Practice: Short Lesson from Slovenia’, ZIREB, Zagreb International Review of Economics&Business, vol.VII, No.2, November 2004, pp.75-93, [COBISS.SI-ID 21942391]

• OPLOTNIK, Žan. Infrastructure development in Slovenia : the status and planning of traffic and transport flows. in: Boehm, B. ‘Slovenia and Austria : bilateral economic effects of Slovenian EU accession: "The Slovenian EU accession and its bilateral economic effects on Austria and Slovenia", Schriftenreihe des Institutes für Technologie- und Regionalpolitik der Joanneum Research, Bd 3. Graz: Leykam, cop. 2004, pp. 157-180. [COBISS.SI-ID 7472156]

• OPLOTNIK, Žan, KRIŽANIČ, France. Impacts of the National Motorway Construction Program in Slovenia in view of different terms of realisation. Est-Ovest, 2004, anno 35, n. 3, str. 181-200, tabele, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 14734310]

• OPLOTNIK, Žan., BREZOVNIK, Boštjan. Financing local government in Slovenia. Post-communist econ. (Print), 2004, vol. 16, no. 4, Journal of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies, London. [COBISS.SI-ID 21076013]