Aktuelno na fakultetu
Drugi popravni rok - septembar 2023

Drugi popravni rok na RPS će biti organizovan u periodu između 01. 09. i 20. 09. 2023. godine. 
Predaja specijalističkih i magistarskih radova

Termin za predaju specijalističkih i magistarskih radova koji će biti branjeni u jun/jul 2023. godine će biti 10, 11, 12, i 15. maja 2023. godine od 12h do 14h u kancelariji Postdiplomskih studija (II sprat).

Rok za slanje saglasnosti mentora na finalnu verziju radova je do 2. maja 2023. godine do 12h.

Raspored ispita

Postavljen je raspored ispita u redovnom i popravnom roku u toku zimskog semestra studijske 2022/23. godine na Renesansnim postdiplomskim studjama.

Raspored ispita na RPS možete naći u dijelu Download/za studente.  
Leonardo Peklar
Kontakt: leonardo.peklar@socius.eu
Status: Saradnik iz prakse

During his studies at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, he participated in student exchange programmes and thereby also studied in the USA at the University of South Carolina and Babson College in Boston. After his studies, he upgraded his knowledge through the executive programmes at the London Business School, Harvard Business School, Babson College and the University of Stirling in Scotland.

He was employed as a broker and later also as an internal auditor at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. He was an assistant for the subject of commercial law at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. As an adviser and project manager he participated in more than 250 projects connected with privatisation in the region.

Leonardo F. Peklar is a partner and, since 1992, the General Manager of the company Socius. He is the author and co-author of over 140 articles, presentations, reports and books in the fields of privatisation, commercial law and corporate governance.

Mr Peklar is the president and member of various supervisory boards. He is a member of the management board of the Association of Supervisory Board Members of Slovenia, a member of the European Institute for Corporate Governance in Brussels and a member of the US National Association of Corporate Directors. In January 2004 he became a member of the Global Advisory Council for Corporate Governance at Harvard University, Bosto. In April 2005, the European Commission appointed him to the Advisory Group on Corporate Governance and Company Law